Moscow Female Teacher’s Choir

Director and Conductor

rukovoditelTatyana Kuznetsova - the founderFor over 10 years Tatiana has been a music methodologist in the the Southwest District Educational Center and the manager of the test choral based secondary education program. Children's choirs directed by Tatyana gained recognition and awards in competitions and festivals held in Moscow and other Russian cities.

In 2001, Tatyana, came up with the idea of organizing united choir made up out of two children choirs of 300 members – students of South-West MOscow elementary and secondary schools. The united choir was recognized with numerous awards in the Moscow Festival "Young talents of Moscow." Later in 2005, this choir became the core of 2000 members Moscow children choir "Friendship" that was organized and successfully managed for 7 years by Tatyana Kuznetsova. This choir still is the base of district's annual event "Singing Field" in the recreation area "Troparevo",

As a methodologist Tatyana also has inspired and organized choral competitions in South-West Moscow: "Lyrics of Russia" and "Round Dance of Friendship".

rukovoditel2It was through her involvement with South-West Moscow teachers' community that the idea of a "teacher's choir" was born. Her energy and enthusiasm were inspirational and essential to found the choir and to grow and develop it for the following ten years.

Tatyana holds Conductor diploma from Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College and advanced music pedagogic degree from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. She has got over 40 years of teaching experience.

Tatyana holds the Honored Educator award, the medal "Labour Veteran" and is a laureate of education Moscow Grant.